Saturday, January 9, 2010

Notes About The Bot

I have some very ambitious goals with this bot. Some emotions or actions I will be trying to produce in the programs; Frightened, greeting, angry, cheering, Peek-a-boo, eating, yawning, stretching, laughing, sneezing, in pain, woops, burp, watch out…..etc, etc.

I also hope to be able to make the bot react to stimulus it encounters. For example, loud noises, bright lights, people approaching, etc.

One thing I learned early in this project is that I absolutely need to take good notes. In that process I noticed that my port list got long….VERY long. I thought I would share it with you.

NXT #1
Sensor Ports
1. HiTechnic IR Link, Operates drive motors and eye brows
2. HiTechnic COMPASS
3. Lego Sound
4. HiTechnic SMUX
  Port 1, Lego Ultrasonic, Left
  Port 2, Lego Ultrasonic, Middle
  Port 3, Lego Ultrasonic, Right
  Port 4, Lego Light
Output Ports
A. Servo, Mouth
B. Servo, Eyes, up and down
C. Servo, Eyes, left and right

NXT #2
Sensor Ports
1. Lego Touch, Bumper, Left
2. Lego Touch, Bumper, Middle
3. Lego Touch, Bumper, Right
4. Open
Output Ports
A. PF LED Light, signal
B. Open (likely will be lights for show)
C. Open (likely will be lights for show)

NXT #3
Sensor Ports
1. Open (Possibly be HiTechnic Acceleration)
2. Lego Sound
3. Lego Light, Signal Receiver
4. HiTechnic IR Link-Operates Grippers
Output Ports
A. Servo, Left Shoulder Extend
B. Servo, Left Shoulder move out
C. Servo, Left Elbow

NXT #4
Sensor Ports
1. Open
2. Lego Sound
3. Lego Light, Signal Receiver
4. Lego Ultrasonic
Output Ports
A. Servo, Right Shoulder Extend
B. Servo, Right Shoulder move out
C. Servo, Right Elbow

PF IR Receiver #1
Left: XL PF Motor, Left Drive Motor
Right: XL PF Motor, Right Drive Motor

PF IR Receiver #2
Left: XL PF Motor, eyebrows up and down
Right: Two micro motors, Tilts eyebrows in and out.

PF IR Receiver #3
Left: Open (likely will be lights for show)
Right: Open (likely will be lights for show)

PF IR Receiver #4
Left: Med PF Motor, Opens and Closes Left Gripper
Right: Med PF Motor, Opens and Closes Right Gripper


  1. Where do you get you NXT's? Do you get them at discounted prices? Or are they normal prices? Just curious.
    jojoguy10 -

  2. The first two were bought the hard way. #1 was bought when they first came out. #2 was bought a little later when funds replenished. #3 and #4 were bought later at the same time and I did find them at a discounted price, I think about $200 each. I think at bricklink or something, but I don't remember. I did LOTS of shopping around. It wasn't one big purchase, I bought them over about two years time.
