Friday, July 22, 2011


If this isn't one of the finest GBC you have ever seen...Made by akiyuky

Monday, July 18, 2011

Bubble Bot

Not LEGO, but certainly could be made from LEGO.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Tummy Patter

I am posting this video just because of the look on the dogs face.

Super Wall-E

I got to spend a few days with Marc-André Bazergui a few weeks ago along with his Wall-E robot.  The man is just as impressive as his robot.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Delta Robot Greatness

The University of Jordan Robotics Club is working on their own Delta Robt system like mine.  They even mention that my robot is part of their inspiration.  Inspiring people to try harder projects is one of my goals and I am truly honored by their mention in the description.  Great work!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Pancake Robot

If you have kids like I do, this one may touch you in a special way.  Something about the joy on the little girls' face when she pushing the button. And then PANCAKES!!!


Yet another Theo Jansen imitator, but this one can be ridden.

Pneumatic Vehicle

Here's a neat little pneumatic vehicle made by Nico71.